Flossie and the Fox
Illustrated by Rachel Isadora
Big Mama asks Flossie, a young girl from Tennesse, to take some eggs to Mix Viola. "Seem like they been trouble by a fox. Miz Viola's chickens be so scared, they can't eve now lay a stone." Flossie is not quite sure what a fox looks like: "I disremember ever seen one." Big Mama answers. "Chile, a fox be just a fox." Flossie heads to the woods with her basket of eggs. She soon runs into the fox, and after polite introductions, she tells the fox she doesn't believe he is who he says; he needs to prove to her that he is indeed a fox. The fox cannot believe Flossie isn't frightened. "I aine never seen a fox before. So why should I be scared of you and I don't even-now know you a real fox for a fact?" Fox tries to prove to Flossie over and over that he is a fox, but she always disproves it, frustrating the fox to no end. His fur is thick and luxurious, but Flossie says that so is a rabbitt's. His nose is long, but so is a rat's. His tail is fluffy and bushy, but so is a squirrel's says Flossie. Soon, they both find themselves at the entrance to Miz Viola's home, where one of her hounds goes after the fox. The young girl turns around with a huge grin on her face knowing she has outsmarted the fox.
Flossie and the Fox
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