Where's Walrus?
by Stephen Savage
Where's Walrus?
is a wordless picture book. The walrus has had enough of living inside a tiny circular pool at the zoo. He has escaped and the zookeeper is trying to track him down all over Manhattan. The walrus camouflages himself as a fountain, a business man at the dinner counter, a mannequin, a construction worker, a firemen, a can-can dancer, and even painter in Central Park. When the zookeeper finally finds him, the walrus is participating on a diving competition in which it steals the show and scores perfect 10s, winning first place. Realizing that the walrus has a special talent for diving, the zookeeper takes it back to the zoo where the walrus enjoys a new super-sized pool with a diving board.
My son loved
Where's Walrus?
He laughed hysterically every time he would find the walrus in a new setting. Another reason why we enjoy sharing wordless books together is because, as a 4 year old, he feels like he can "read" the book to me. Wordless books are also a great tool in the classroom, where students can create their own text and dialogue to go with the images.
Where's Walrus?
is fun and definitely stylish.
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