Oct 31, 2011
Bonny Becker visits A Picture Book A Day
Oct 30, 2011
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything by Linda Williams
Illustrated by Megan Lloyd
"Once upon a time, there was a little old lady who was not afraid of anything!" This is one of my favorite read alouds to do around Halloween. A little old lady walks into the forest looking for herbs and spices. It gets dark and when she's making her way back to her cottage, a pair of shoes are going "CLOMP, CLOMP" right in the middle of the path. She tells them "get out of my way, you two big shoes! I'm not afraid of you." And walks down the path. The story continues following this pattern of events, running into pants, a shirt, gloves, hat and finally a pumpkin head. Each of them makes its own distinct onomatopeic sound. As the story progresses and the old lady keeps going, the list of clothing items that gets in her way builds up, repeating each sound over and over. She never gets scared and at the end gives the pumpkin and the clothes a new goal in life, scaring crows instead of old ladies.
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything is perfect for a read aloud because the repetition of the pattern and the special effect sounds will have young readers making the noises and acting them out. The illustrations by Williams are a perfect match. I can't wait to read it in class tomorrow.
Oct 29, 2011
Substitute Creacher
Oct 28, 2011
The Boy Who Cried Ninja
Oct 27, 2011
Pirate vs. Pirate
Oct 26, 2011
All the Way to America
All the Way to America by Dan Yaccarino
Dan Yaccarino tells the story of his family starting with his great-grandfather's journey from Sorrento, Italy to New York City. When his great-grandfather came to New York he brought with him a little shovel he used in the fields in Italy. As the different generations of Yaccarinos prosper in the US, the shovel gets passed down from fathers to sons always becoming a part of their new life and endeavors. The shovels goes from the fields, to being used to measure flour and sugar, dried fruits, olives (as the family became store owners and restaurant owners), to pour salt outside of Dan's father's barbershop, all the way back to the ground as a shovel used by Dan's son, Michael, to grow vegetables in their city apartment's terrace. Through all the years, the message passed down through the generations of Yaccarinos is to work hard and value family.
All the Way to America is a moving family tale and a great read-aloud to introduce personal narratives as well as immigration units. It will be a fantastic conversation starter, that will have kids asking their parents where do their families come from...At the end of the day, we are a nation of immigrants.
Oct 25, 2011
Room on the Broom
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson
Illustrated by Axel Scheffler
Room on the Broom is on of my favorite read alouds to do around Halloween. Written in rhyme, it tells the story of a witch flying on her broom with her cat and cauldron. When the wind blows her hat off her head, she's forced to land. A dog finds her hat, gives it back, and asks:
Oct 24, 2011

Meena by Sine van Mol
Illustrated by Carianne Wijffels
Being a first round panelist for the Cybils awards this year has turned out to be one of the coolest things I've gotten to do lately (and we're just getting started!). Aside from always carrying around 10 picture books inside my already-heavy-teacher's bag, I've had the opportunity to come across books I don't think I would've ever seen/read if it weren't for the Cybils list of nominees. Meena is one of those books.
Written by a Belgian author, Meena tells the story of three children living in Fly Street who are certain that their old neighbor, Meena, is a witch. They believe she eats toads and drinks blood and gets a thrill out of shouting things outside her home, calling her a witch. "Then one day they saw something horrible." They saw a young girl inside Meena's home and of course they immediately believed the girl must had been kidnapped. The young girl tries to convince them that Meena is not a witch, and is just her grandma. But the kids don't believe her. Will they come close enough to see the real Meena? Maybe a delicious cherry pie will help.
Meena is a great read aloud to share this Halloween season. It reminds you of classic stories about misunderstood curmudgeons and making rush judgments. The illustrations are very interesting, with multiple perspective switches and mixed media. Glad I came across this one.
Oct 23, 2011
Monkey With A Tool Belt and the Seaside Shenanigans
Monkey With A Tool Belt and the Seaside Shenanigans by Chris Monroe
Monkey with a tool belt is back. Chico Bon Bon and his loaded tool belt are on their way to a seaside resort to help his friend Clark and his uncle. Chico is ready to help and knows he carries all he'll need in his belt: from a wrenches, pliers, and tape, to wackaddodles, squeezies, plumbaroos, and monkey putty. At the resort it looks like someone may be trying to sabotage it. Things are breaking down all over the place. As soon as Chico fixes something, somewhere else a new thing breaks down. Gathering clues along the way Chico, solves the mystery.
Monkey With A Tool Belt and the Seaside Shenanigans is an entertaining read. The quirky and fun illustrations are full of details offering more to discover in each read. The mystery and problem solving at the hands of the clever monkey will capture kids attention.
Oct 22, 2011
King Jack and the Dragon
King Jack and the Dragon by Peter Bently
Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury
King Jack and the Dragon had me from the moment I saw the cover. It just looked like one of those books I would've read so many times as a child that pages would've fallen off. And once I started reading I was not disappointed.
Jack, Zack, and Caspar are building a fort for King Jack and his men. They use a cardboard box, sheets and sticks and soon the King and his knight are ready to battle and defend their castle. They fight off dragons and monsters with their wooden swords and sticks and then they "returned to their stronghold for fabulous feast." They wanted to spend the night inside their fort, but a giant -his dad- came and took Zack home. Soon, another giant takes baby Caspar home for bedtime. As Jack is left alone inside the fort, he hears many scary noises but he's able to defeat his fears and stay. That is until a four-legged monster makes its way to the fort.
King Jack and the Dragon feels like a new classic. A tale about young boys using their imagination to play together for hours, building forts, and fighting all sorts of creatures. The illustrations by Oxenbury have that timeless feeling about them, just beautiful. This is a book that will be read and reread. No doubt. One of my favorites this year.
Oct 21, 2011
Mirror by Jeannie Baker
Mirror is a wordless picture book. But it is so much more than that. There are two stories told simultaneously, one in Australia and one in Morocco. The layout of the book is captivating and hard to describe without an image:
We follow a day in the life of two boys in completely different parts of the world. Their lives seem to be completely different, until page by page we see cross overs and realize that they have more in common than we thought at first. The Morrocan boy's family has weaved a rug which we later find out the Australian boy's family purchases. The ending images show us how closely linked we all are by technology and imagination.
Mirror is a work of art. The collage illustrations are beautiful, but it's the overal design of the book that really makes it stand out. It's a beautiful book to share in the multicultural classroom and offers many possible lesson on globalization and text innovations where two students could write each of the two stories.
Oct 20, 2011
More Bears!

Oct 19, 2011
Blue Chicken
Blue Chicken by Deborah Freedman
Open the book to its title page and you'll find a table with paints, brushes, water, and an incomplete drawing of a barn and a chicken coop. Turn to the dedication page and you'll see one of the chickens in the coop coming alive and climbing out of the page. The chicken wants to help finish painting the barn. She climbs on the blue paint bottle and tips it over, painting herself blue. "And the spilled blue is spreading. Till the ground grows blue, too!" Pandemonium follows as the animals and the landscape are now all blue. The chicken tries to fix her mistake with water...and all this happens as we can see past the drawing table, out the window, into a real barn being painted by the illustrator.
Blue Chicken is wonderful. The text is deceptively simple but the meta-illustrations and play with perspective, add a whole other level to the book. The illustrations are gorgeous and the story line is captivating enough to make you go back again and again. Fabulous!
Oct 18, 2011
A Few Blocks

A Few Blocks by Cybele Young
It's time for Viola and her younger brother Ferdie to head out to school. Ferdie doesn't feel like going, "not now, maybe never." So Viola grabs his coat and says, "Ferdie, look! I found your superfast cape! Quick -put on your rocket-blaster boots and we'll take off!" And so their journey towards school begins, imagining they are speeding faster than a jet through the city. Anytime Ferdie gets tired and stops walking, Viola uses her imagination to keep her brother going. Until Viola needs some help of her own.
A Few Blocks is a very memorable book. Cybele Young illustrations are stunning. She uses 3-D paper sculptures to create the world imagined by the two children. The sculptures are made with paper cut outs of urban images of the children's neighborhood. It's an amazing thing to see -which of course adds to the fantasy of the text itself. Viola's love and patience for her brother makes it also a very tender story. I love this book.
Oct 17, 2011
Oct 16, 2011
Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters
Oct 15, 2011
Hopper and Wilson
Hopper and Wilson by Maria Van Lieshout
Hopper the elephant and Wilson the mouse are best friends. One day, sitting on a pier looking out into the big blue sea, Hopper asked his little friend, "What do you think is at the end of the world?" They are not sure what the answer might be, but one hopes there's lots of lemonade at the end of the world, and the other hopes there's a staircase to the moon. They decided they needed to find out, so they packed their balloon with a red string, said good-bye to their cactus and jumped aboard their paper boat. They sailed day and night until they got caught in the middle of a storm, lost their red ballon and were separated. Wilson desperately looked for his friend until a bird that had followed their journey the whole time, guided Wilson using the red string from their lost balloon, and took him to Hopper. The two friends are happily reunited and find the shore, where they can see lemon trees and...their cactus. "Aren't we lucky that our home is at the end of the world, Wilson?" "And at the beginning too!"
Hopper and Wilson is a lovely tale of adventure and friendship. The two characters are drawn as stuffed animals, where you can actually see the stitching run down their backs. The illustration by Van Lieshout have a very tender feeling to them; beautiful watercolors outlined with black ink. The blues and yellows of Hopper and Wilson, are mirrored by the blues of the ocean and sky and the yellows of the lemons and sunrises. There are cute details to be savored during multiple reads, such as the bird that follows them along and shows up in every page until he comes to the forefront as the one that reunites the friends. The paper boat they're sailing on is made of newspaper and the little portions that are readable all seem to connect with the theme of a journey ("highway," "three days by foot," "thick vegetation," "trail"). Lovely book to read aloud and sweet tale to read at bedtime.
Oct 14, 2011
My Rhinoceros
The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau
Milo's Hat Trick
The Retired Kid
Oct 13, 2011
If Rocks Could Sing
This is a great gift for young kids and cool enough to keep on the coffee table.
Oct 12, 2011
The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred
The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred by Samantha R. Vamos
Illustrated by Rafael Lopez
The farm maiden is stirring a pot to make rice pudding, arroz con leche. She needs many ingredients and the farm animals are coming to help her. The goat churns the cream to make the butter, the cow gives her milk, the duck buys the sugar at the supermarket, the donkey plucked the lime that the hen grated and the farmer planted the rice. Then they all had a party while the arroz con leche cooked in the pot, and since they were all distracted, they forgot to stir it and it almost boiled over. They all rushed to help the farm maiden and stirred together until the pudding was ready.
The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred is a cumulative tale on the footsteps of "The House That Jack Built." The nouns that were first introduced in English, appear the second time around in Spanish; the butter becomes mantequilla, the pot is a cazuela, the cow is a vaca, the farm maiden is a campesina. This book is a joyful celebration of bilingualism. The way the second language is introduced makes it accessible to Spanish language learners as well as monolingual readers. As the story builds, so does the musicality of the language until it boils over, just like the arroz con leche, into a delightful fiesta. The vibrant colors of Lopez's desert pair wonderfully with the joy of Vamos's tale. At the end of the book, there's a recipe for Arroz con Leche as well a glossary. This is one of my favorite bilingual books.
Oct 11, 2011
A Place to Call Home
A Place to Call Home by Alexis Deacon
Illlustrated by Viviane Schwarz
A group of rodent siblings (they might be hamsters based on the "Lost" poster on the wall), have been growing inside a small dark hole. As they get bigger, they outgrow it, and they have to go out into the world. Unknown to them, their hole was in an abandoned sofa inside a junkyard. At first they are very afraid of their new surroundings, but they know they must work together to find a new home. The brothers embark on a hilarious adventure (within the walls of the junkyard) full of surprises, making their way across ponds, mountains, deserts, a labyrinth (the inside of a dryer) and even a monster (the watch dog). They find their way out into a place they will be able to call home.
A Place to Call Home is told in a comic book style, with dialogue boxes and panels. Each little rodent has its own voice and personality. The text and the illustrations combine to make this a hilarious read, one you'll go back to more than once.
Other books by Alexis Deacon on this blog:
Jitterbug Jam: A Monster Tale
While You Are Sleeping
Slow Loris
Oct 10, 2011
Pete the Cat. I Love My White Shoes
Pete the Cat. I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin
Illustrated by James Dean
Pete is a cool cat. He was walking down the street wearing his brand new white shoes and singing a song about how much he loved them: "I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes." Then he stepped on large pile of strawberries. His white shoes turned red so, instead of getting upset about it, he changed his song: "I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes." Blueberries turn the shoes blue, mud turns them brown, and water makes them white again, but wet. "I love my wet shoes, I love my wet shoes, I love my wet shoes."
Pete the Cat. I Love My White Shoes is a wonderful read aloud. The repetitive text makes it predictable which encourages children to say the words out loud along with the reader. Pet delivers the message that no matter what happens you should keep going and sing along "because it's all good." As you read, you could make up your own song -which my son decided to do- or you could visit the author's site, where you can download the song and read aloud for free. Very cool.
Oct 9, 2011
Pig Kahuna
Oct 8, 2011
Magic Box
Magic Box by Katie Cleminson
Eva received a special box for her birthday. She jumped inside and when she came out she had become a master magician. Her first trick was to wish for a pet named Monty. Monty turns out to be a rather large polar bear. Next she pulls rabbits out of hats, makes things float, and throws herself a huge party with delicious food and an animal band. There's tons of dancing and, "when everyone had danced their socks off, Eva shut her eyes, clicked her fingers...and everything vanished..." Not quite.
Magic Box's illustrations are the stars of this picture book. They have a classic feeling to them with thick black outlines and coal shadows over clean white backgrounds that contrast with splashes of paint in bright colors. It's a book full of joy with an enchanting character. The picture of Eva clicking her fingers in her final act of magic is just gorgeous, and the page with Monty the polar bear dancing with Eva just makes me smile. Sweet.
Oct 7, 2011
I Had a Favorite Dress
I Had A Favorite Dress by Boni Ashburn
Illustrated by Julia Denos
A young girl had a dress that was her "favoritest dress ever." She wore it every Tuesday, her favorite day of the week. One day, she put it on and it was too short. She got really upset but asked her mom to make something else out of the dress. "And SNIP, SNIP, sew, sew...New shirt, hello!' Her crafty mother turned her favorite dress into a new ruffly shirt which became her favoritest to wear on her new favoritest day of the week, Wednesday. As the seasons change and the girl outgrows the shirt, it gets turned into other articles of clothing until there's only enough material left for it to become a hair bow, and finally the material for a collage portrait.
I Had a Favorite Dress is very entertaining and beautifully illustrated book. It's about growing up, outgrowing things we love and finding a way of preserving the memories. The story is structured around the passing of the seasons and the days of the week, which makes it a good book to include in the lower grades as part of units on time and memories. It's urban and multicultural characters make it a cool addition to any home or classroom library.
Oct 6, 2011
Cuddle Up, Goodnight
Oct 5, 2011
But I Wanted a Baby Brother!

But I Wanted a Baby Brother! by Kate Feiffer
Illustrated by Diane Goode
Oliver had always wanted a baby brother. When his parents come back from the hospital, they are holding in their arms Oliver's new baby sister. "Oliver tried looking happy" but he knew it was a mistake. Why didn't everyone else notice there had been a mistake? So Oliver asked his parents "Will I ever get a baby brother?" Instead of the answer he wanted to hear, Oliver's parents kept mentioning how adorable his baby sister was. She was cute, "she gurgled...kicked...smiled...and slept...like a baby brother. But sometimes she wore dresses and that was bad." Her name was Julie, which was cool because Oliver could secretly call her Julian. Regardless, Oliver decided that the only solution was to find a way to exchange his baby sister for a baby brother. He tried trading with friends, looking for a baby boy at the playground, even switching her for another baby while at the zoo. But the truth was that no other baby was as sweet, smart, calm or fast as Julie. And now she had even learned to throw a ball. Oliver had fallen in love with his sister, just in time to find out his mom is having another baby...
But I Wanted a Baby Brother! is sweet and very funny. Oliver's adventures and the situations he finds himself in while trying to find a baby brother to trade for Julie are hilarious. Goode's watercolor illustrations are wonderful and complement the story adding a lot of details and comic tones. A great book to read aloud and to share with kids expecting a baby sibling.
Oct 4, 2011
Leaves by David Ezra Stein
It's the perfect time of the year to read Leaves. It's bear's first year and everything is going well until the leaves start falling. He picks one off the floor and sweetly asks, "Are you okay?" As more leaves fall, the young bear tries to "catch them and put them back on...but it was not the same." He then grew sleepy, gathered some leaves to bring inside a little cave "and went to sleep, just as the wind began to blow." The young bear sleeps through the winter, wakes up in the spring and when he sees the "little buds on the bare arms of the trees," he hugs them and joyfully cries "Welcome!"
Leaves is lovely. The young bear character is sweet, curious, and enamored with nature. While the text is simple, it's also quite lyrical. The illustrations are beautiful. Leaves is a perfect book to read during this season and to introduce units about fall and hibernation.
Oct 3, 2011
You Will Be My Friend
You Will Be My Friend by Peter Brown
Lucy is back! After realizing that Children Make Terrible Pets, she decides that today is the perfect day to get back out there and find a new friend. She is so excited! "I cannot wait to make a new friend! We're going to do cartwheels! And have picnics! And climb trees! And go swimming! And have dance party!" Lucy tries to hang out with a group of frogs at a pond, but when she jumps in, she splashes all the water out. No pond, no frogs. Things are not looking good. She tries squeezing into a burrow, climbing trees, even dressing up as a kangaroo. But as hard as she tries, things don't work out and Lucy finds herself frustrated and lonely. She tries a new method: imposing her friendship of others. "Come back here and have fun with me!" She even scolds a little egg: "You WILL be my friend! I can wait." But nothing. Then finally, when she's about to give up and screams "Doesn't anybody want to be my friend?!" A bow-tie wearing Flamingo -a perfect match for Lucy's tutu- approaches her to give the book a perfect ending...there's cartwheeling, swimming, and dancing...just as she had wanted.
You Will Be My Friend is hilarious. Peter's Brown text and illustrations complement each other beautifully, with some of the story being driven by the text bubbles and others just by the illustrations. I loved the page where Lucy is trying to calm herself down...I want to have that page as a poster in my classroom. There are some cool details to discover during careful reads, like the foreshadowing of Lucy's visit to the frog pond -which you can see in the previous page as she walks away from home. I believe I also saw a fish wearing a hat that I associate with Peter Brown. It's a great read aloud that will have kids laughing the whole time.
Fish with Peter Brown's hat. Forshadowing of the pond
Oct 2, 2011
The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man
The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man by Michael Chabon
Illustrated by Jake Parker
Awesome Man can fly, shoot positronic rays out of his eyes, smash all sorts of things, and has a trademark Awesome Power Grip. He's "just basically awesome." As with most super heroes, he has a secret identity which he uses to sneak up on unsuspecting enemies like Professor Von Evil. When his enemies are able to get away, Awesome Man gets really angry (he might even kick a building down when that happens) and the one thing he can do to calm down is to sit on his Awesome bed and give himself a "ginormous Awesome Power Grip." After a busy day defeating his nemesis, nothing makes Awesome Man happier than heading back to the Fortress of Awesome, and enjoying one of his mom's home cooked meals. "I'm so happy to see her, I throw a power grip around her, too."
Awesome Man will capture the imagination of super hero obsessed boys. Awesome Man sounds like them, gets angry like them...it's them. There are many clues along the way for readers to figure out that Awesome Man is really just a boy: there's the language he uses, but also a point when we can see him as a boy hiding from Professor Von Evil (though the illustrations cleverly make it look as if it is an grown man), or when he's defeating Flaming Eyeball and his shadow is a kid's shadow (there's a nice detail later on when the boy walks into his mother's kitchen and his shadow is now Awesome Man's). The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man is a great book for super hero fans.
Oct 1, 2011
The Black Book of Colors
The Black Book of Colors by Menena Cottin
Illustrated by Rosana Faría
Translated from Spanish by Elisa Amado
If you were blind and you had to describe colors, you would use all your other senses. That's how Thomas describes them, using his senses of touch, taste, smell and hearing. To him, yellow tastes like mustard, red is as sweet as watermelon but hurts when you find it on a scraped knee, brown smells like chocolate, blue is "the color of the sky when kites are flying," green tastes like lemon ice cream and smells like freshly cut grass. "Thomas thinks that without the sun, water doesn't amount to much. It has no color, no taste, no smell." And black, well, black is the king of all the colors, "soft as silk when his mother hugs him and her hair falls in his face."
The Black Book of Colors is a marvelous book. Its use of sensory details to describe colors is wonderful and lyrical. The design of the book is captivating. The pages are all black, with the shapes embossed in shiny black. Each page with text is accompanied by its Braille counterpart and the full Braille alphabet is also included at the end of the book. The Black Book of Colors belongs in every household and classroom where diversity is encouraged and discussed. Its use of metaphors, similes, and sensory details, also makes it a superb mentor text to use in the writing workshop. A great find!